A) Some sort of puppet race already present come under the Cult of Skaro's control, building dalek casings with scavenged materials?
B) Camoflagues the new Daleks to blend in with the scenery after scanning something-or-other for info... failing that, some more Timelord Science like a chameleon circuit-type device?
Cracking way to start a new year, fresh driving license and new job. Congrats!
(PS Dalek Sec in 30's New York droooooooooool)
Gonna be good, I reckon - though all these rumours of 'art deco' Daleks make no sense at all.
A. Sec has to have made more Daleks - How?
B. He styled them to fit into the period? Wouldn't want a Dalek looking conspicuous on 1930's Earth so he made some alterations?
A) Some sort of puppet race already present come under the Cult of Skaro's control, building dalek casings with scavenged materials?
B) Camoflagues the new Daleks to blend in with the scenery after scanning something-or-other for info... failing that, some more Timelord Science like a chameleon circuit-type device?
Aaah, fanwank : )
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