Ross' bloody blog

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Outpost Gallifrey published my photos and set report!

Outpost Gallifrey.

Ross (SempronXP)

The Doctor and The Bride run down past Henriks to a phone booth, where The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to make it work very long distance, if you know what I mean. He runs off saying "I'll get some money!". The Bride is practically shouting down the phone, "I'm definately on Earth, there's a WHSmith here". Then she runs out of the booth and asks a passer by for money. She's given some notes and hails a taxi. Looking at the Doctor, who is waiting by a cashpoint, she shouts "Thanks for nothing, I'll see you in court!". The taxi drives off with the Doctor running after her.

Monday, July 24, 2006

They filmed Doctor Who where I work!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sian has passed her driving test!

She's done it!

Our lives will never be the same again! Popping down to the Co-Op for veggies for tea will never be a chore again!

It was third time lucky for the Cregiau lass as she passed with flying colours earlier today.

So, congratulations my Sian. You deserve everything in life and this is just the beginning.

Freema Agyeman back for Doctor Who Series 3

She may have died on Saturday night - but Freema Agyeman is back for Series 3 as the Doctor's companion 'Martha Jones'!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Davros returns?

The 'Genesis Ark', as seen in the trailer for next weeks Doctor Who! Is it Davros? With a world full of Cybermen and Daleks emerging from the Void ship, can things actually get any worse for the people of the Earth?

Russell T Davies has pulled out all the stops after a mediocre couple of weeks for Who. The front page for Sunday papers should have read "BBC gives the public what they want shocker!"