Ross' bloody blog

Monday, September 25, 2006

Iceberg - Right ahead! Let's sing a song about it!

As a rule, I don't do musicals. Or so I thought...

I went to see Titanic: The Musical with Sian on Saturday.

I wasn't even supposed to go, but as Gav' couldn't make it and Sian and I haven't had a night out for ages, I thought why not.

I hadn't met the loquatious blog-meister that is Mark Lewis in person, and I can honestly say he's a thoroughly nice geezer and was by far the best singing talent in the show. He also knows his Who.

As for the musical itself, I found myself drawn into the lives of these unfortunate passengers. As disaster strikes the White Star Line ship, everyone breaks into song. As you do.

Loved it.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Works Away Day

Got up at 5:30am to get to Coventry for 10am.

My team got rained on immediately after getting there and spent the rest of the day dodging thunderstorms, jumping onto bouncy castles filled with fairy liquid foam and carrying water in buckets with holes in.

Bubbles emanated from my trainers as I walked.

I tend to get competitive as these sort of things, but as three of my team were, how do I put it - old, we didn't have a snowball in hell's chance. We came third from the bottom out of twenty teams!

However, free Stella and some Rage against the Machine on the coach home made our failure fade away and a thoroughly good time was had by all.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Got a new car today!

A Ford Fiesta 1.3 LX